Exaggerated or affected style in an art
The stylistic categories are an important aspect of the history of art. Gombrich (1985) suggests that ’classification is a necessary evil’ that if taken as a tool that is also flexible and modifiable, can be valuable to art historians. Gombrich notes that while useful, categorization has also been prone to ’critical abuse’ (p81). In other words derogatory nomenclature was often used when naming an art historical era. Baroque, which I would consider a very refined phase of technically crafted dramatic art, was in fact defined by the Oxford pocket dictionary of 1934 as ’grotesque’ (p81) as this was the immediate summary of its worth in the seventeenth century.
This essay will first of all attempt to offer a definition of mannerism, pointing out some inherent difficulties in doing so, it will then look at some of the benefits of describing the historical period conventionally labeled as ’mannerist’ in this way, before looking at some of the drawbacks. Finally, conclusions will be made about how helpful it is as a concept in the categorization of historical art.
Mannerism Film

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